Asparagus & Salmon Salad with Feta Cheese Flatbread

Salmon and Asparagus Salad


(serves 4 ready in 24 minutes)

4 salmon filets (about 1 ½ lb. 680 g) * 
1 Tbsp. olive or sunflower oil
½ lb. asparagus spears *
1 large stick of celery
2/3 lb. (300 g) mixed salad leaves *


2 large mangoes *
4 chives
1 small container plain yogurt (125 g)
1 tsp. wholegrain mustard
1 Tbsp. Pernod **
Black pepper

Put a kettle of water onto boil. Skin the salmon, remove bones; cut into large cubes. Heat med. High oil in frying pan to stir-fry for 2 – 3 min., lightly browned and cooked. Drain on towel.

Rinse and trim asparagus, cut them into 1 ½ “ (4 cm) pieces, submerge in boiling water and blanch for 2 minutes (still bright green). Rinse under cold water and drain.

To make dressing, peel the mangoes and cut into cubes, enough for 1 pound (450 g). Place in processor/blender. Rinse, dry and snip chives and add to mango along with yogurt, mustard and Pernod. Puree. Add pepper to taste.

Rinse and finely slice celery crossway. Add to bowl with salmon and asparagus. Pour the dressing on top, holding back in case of excess. Toss very gently, not to break salmon.

Trim, rinse and dry lettuce. Arrange on plates, top with salad.

**Pernod substitutes may be Ouzo, Pastis, Anisette, or Sambuca some of which comes in “airline size.”

Recipe: Reader’s Digest 30 Minute Meals


Feta Cheese Flat Bread

1½ cups all purpose flour
1 cup  water (or milk)
1 lrg. egg
½ cup plain yogurt*
½ tsp. sea salt
¼ tsp. freshly ground pepper
3 TBSP. Olive oil for the pan

For the topping:

1 cup crumbled Greek Feta*
2-3 TBSP.  olive oil

Preheat the oven to 400° F.

In a large bowl mix together all the ingredients, except for the olive oil.

Place a 13 x 9 baking pan (or a 12″ cast iron pan) in the hot oven for 5 minutes or until it gets very hot. Carefully remove the hot pan from the oven, pour quickly the olive oil on it and brush it all over the pan. (This will ensure that the cheese bread will not stick to the pan).

Pour the batter onto the hot pan. Sprinkle the feta crumbles evenly across the top, then drizzle with the olive oil. Place the pan in the lowest rack of the oven and bake for about 25-30 minutes, or until the top is golden brown. While baking, poke any air bubbles that might form on the pie with a fork.

Let cool slightly before cutting into squares and serve.

Recipe Credit: Marilena’s Kitchen

* In sale flyer May 10-16 2020

Annah Kassen